Phone: +49 (0) 6152 - 98 01 - 5
Pressure Gauges for the chemical industry
Pressure Gauges for the chemical industry need specialized solutions for many different mediums and highly aggressive environments which make frequent changes and repairs of pressure gauges necessary.
High costs mount up when leaks at measuring spots happen. This may trigger an necessary change of the gauge which comes with planning, purchasing and administration issues. Finding one supplier who is dependable and who delivers good quality products can make the difference when analysing value creation since longer lifespans drastically improves value for the customer.
High quality gauges will outperform gauges from automated production facilities every time when it comes to the most demanding environments that can be found in chemical plants.
Hydrochloric acid or Sodium hydroxide are measuring substances that we have sucessfull kept in check for many different customers in Industry Park Hoechst or Industry Park Wiesbaden where many of our most loyal customers are located.
We have many companies handeling very aggressive mediums where we protected gauges with Tantallum, Halar, PTFE or other materials as coating. Many of the gauges have been in service for decades now and have been repaired during this time once or twice for only 10% of the price of a new gauge.
All chemical connection standards, diaphragms seals with custom flanges and have necessary ATEX certifications all are available on request.
Pressure Gauges are available with low minimum order quantities and with short lead times.
Feel free to contact us and we will find the solution that suits you best.